FP Mailing Solutions supports the
National Breast Cancer Foundation
Our manufacturer, FP Mailing Solutions, is a corporate supporter of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) whose mission is to provide free mammograms for women in need, promote early breast cancer detection, and provide educational programs to those whose lives have been touched by breast cancer.
About NBCF
NBCF provides women help for today and hope for tomorrow through its National Mammography Program, Beyond The Shock®, Early Detection Plan, MyNBCF online support community, and breast cancer research programs.
Your Part of the Story
You can help the fight against breast cancer by donating to NBCF. In addition, you can show your support every day with a pink FP PostBase postage meter in your office. Get a free quote today!
Please visit nbcf.org to find out more about the
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. ®.