Metro Mail Services (MMS) has over 125 years of combined postal experience in repairing, procuring, and supporting mailing equipment. We've developed professional methods in managing mailing that combines deep expertise in a variety of mail related areas such as mail center management, postal consulting and postal training.
We also have the equipment and expertise to process large volumes of mail quickly and efficiently at our facility, Springfield VA office, for both large and small organizations who want to free themselves of the daily grind of mailroom processing.
Solutions we offer for Mail Management:
Purchase/Lease Equipment
Purchase or lease a mailing equipment through us and we will provide onsite/offsite technical support to meet your organization's operation requirements. Or if you already have an equipment, contact us for a free quote:
We will work with you to deliver your mailing job in a timely manner. All mailing jobs will have lowest possible postal rates and generate all required USPS® documentation, reports and postage statements.
Our services include:
- Certified Mailing
- Presort Mailing
- Bulk Mailing
- Flat Mailing
- Magazine Mailing
For printing jobs, please go to print management.
Address & List Cleansing
We use professional methods to clean and move update lists against the full 48-month data set in real-time via Internet. Our service also includes update/merge lists that will combine, compare, and eliminate duplicates from different list types. Contact us for more.
Automated Pre-Shipping Label
We offer an automated pre-shipping label service, "EasyShip", that generates a label with a QR Code, expediting the shipping process at the EasyShip website. The purpose of this service is to utilize IMpb certified solutions, reduce time and labor costs, eliminate duplication and typing errors, and generate a standard pre-shipment label for mail processing. The mail sender enters required address information and prints a pre-shipping label with a QR code. Mail staff scans the QR Code which automatically fills in all address information into a variety of shipping solutions including sender’s and recipient’s email address. Get more information how EasyShip can benefit you.