UPS, DHL and FedEx give customers a full refund on shipping costs when a shipment is delivered late, unshipped or misbilled. Even one minute late, you're entitled to a full refund. The catch is that these refunds are not automatic. To get your refunds, a long process that is complicated and time sensitive is required.
MMS Carrier Audit will autocorrect your UPS, DHL and FedEx invoices for you. A comprehensive, 40-point audit is performed on each shipment, and actions are immediately taken to secure 100% of the refund credits available.
We do all the work with you carrier, and when we do find an error, we split the savings equally.
Consider these benefits for your business:
Automatic refund credits
MMS Carrier Audit immediately captures all of the refund credits available from your carrier account(s) and secures 100% of the refund credits available.
Save money
MMS Carrier Audit is a performance based service. There are no upfront fees. There no ongoing fees. No investment on your part. We do all the work with you carrier, and when we do find an error, we split the savings equally.
Getting started is easy
Simply register and MMS Carrier Audit does all the work to get the refunds deliver back to your shipping accounts.
*UPS, DHL and FedEx are the registered trademarks of DHL Express, Federal Express Corporation and United Parcel Service of America, Inc., respectively. MMS is not in any way affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by these companies.