RemoteOne/ ReportOne Support


Download and install each file below in the order shown.

1.Microsoft .NET 4.0: Download Microsoft .NET 4.0 here

Creates the required operating environment before installing RemoteOne/ReportOne software.

2. 32 bit Windows: 32-Bit PostBase Driver Setup or 64 bit Windows: 64-Bit PostBase Driver Setup

Allows the software to connect and interact with the PostBase machine via USB.

To determine 32-bit vs 64-bit: Start Button > Control Panel > System.

3. 32 bit Windows: 32 bit RemoteOne/ReportOne Software or 64 bit Windows: 64 bit RemoteOne/ReportOne Software

The software application (country-specific).

*Microsoft .NET 4.0: If you know that your PC has Microsoft .NET 4.0, you may skip Step 1. If you’re not sure, please complete this step. Note that you must have .NET version 4.0 installed. Other .NET versions will not provide the correct framework, although you can have them installed concurrently on your computer.

Upgrade to ReportOne

After you purchase the ReportOne, the software will upgrade itself to ReportOne following a remote update via the meter, and then connecting the software to the meter.



For more downloads and references, visit FP Website.